Beautiful wood and small spaces…

Your big ideas.

Hiller, Inc. has mastered the miniature. We’ve used the restrictions imposed by flight itself to stimulate imagination and ingenuity in the service of functionality, convenience and rare beauty amid the little, regulated, requirement-ridden places of an aircraft’s interior.

At Hiller, Inc. the client sits in the left front seat, in full control, fully involved in the design process. You decide how best to exercise our proven capabilities in the creation of functional, personalized aircraft furniture of remarkable grace, strength, and beauty. Ultimately, we owe you the best work of our hands and minds.

Meanwhile, we owe you our ears.

Call us to learn how we can help you.

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At your service.

“Quality” has become a badly beaten word. Vague and empty from overuse, the term insists on some generalized result, some equivocal indicator of value and customer satisfaction. The word attempts to say something about a product. At Hiller, Inc. we recognize measurable standards of quality – matches of wood grain maybe or door clearances of 1/32 of an inch – but at Hiller, Inc. we emphasize a process, not a product. Your drawings, our drawings, it doesn’t matter.

We’re compulsive that way. Obsessed with details. Bothered by imperfections. Generally discontent until a client smiles.

We believe our craftsmanship speaks for itself.

Listen to the process.